Lifestyle Changes for a Healthy Heart: Tips from a Cardiologist 

With the turn of the century, heart diseases or cardiovascular diseases have emerged as the leading cause for morbidity and mortality all around the world. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), India accounts for one-fifth of the deaths worldwide. In today’s world, the risk of heart-related fatalities knows no age bounds, affecting both the young and the elderly alike. Many opine that we have no power over the facets or our health and if it happens, it happens. However, there’s a lot you can control. Embracing a healthier lifestyle paves the road for a longer and fulfilling life.

Here are a few tips that every individual should adopt for a healthy heart.

1. Balanced, Nutritious Diet: The first step to a healthy heart is to consume balanced and nutritious food. Follow an eating pattern that emphasizes fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, skinless poultry and fish, nuts and legumes, and non-tropical vegetable oils. Prepare a meal plan that is tailored to your preferences.

Limit saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium, red meat, sweets and sugar-sweetened beverages. Including garlic, broccoli, and green tea adds a variety of nutrients associated with cardiovascular protection. Try to avoid processed food and fast food.

2. Adequate Physical Activity: Don’t be a couch potato. Break a sweat. Regardless of your age, it is always essential to be physically fit. Physical activity can be anything that burns calories – walking, running, jogging, taking the stairs, playing a sport, biking or swimming etc. Incorporate stretching or yoga into your fitness routine. Regularly stretching your muscles helps prevent injury. Exercise is different for every person, so start small and figure out your body’s capabilities.

3. Prioritize good rest: While you may be on the road to success, always remember to take care of health. One of the main steps in doing so is to take ample rest. Along with eating right and being active, a good amount of sleep is a necessity for a healthy heart. Rest times give your heart a chance to pump more easily.

    To achieve good sleep, the CDC advises people to:

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, weekends included.
  • Sleep in a dark, quiet place set at a comfortable temperature.
  • Ban electronic devices from the bedroom. These can interfere with sleep.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol and large meals before hitting the pillow.
  • Physical activity during the day makes it easier to fall asleep that night.

1. Quit smoking: One of the more obvious tips to a better and healthy lifestyle is to quit smoking. Smoking exerts a profound and detrimental impact on the cardiovascular system, significantly increasing the risk of heart disease. Smokers have a higher heart disease risk than never-smokers, and two to three times the risk of death.

Nicotine from tobacco smoke elevates your heart rate and blood pressure for a short time.  Carbon monoxide also gets in the blood and robs your heart and brain of needed oxygen. The more you smoke, the higher your risk of death.

2. Avoid excess alcohol: Find harmony in moderation. While light to moderate drinking is acceptable, excessive alcohol consumption is associated with increased risk for death, heart disease, and liver disease. Consume not more than one glass of alcohol per day.

3. Managing stress: In the pursuit of a healthy heart, managing stress emerges as a crucial component of overall well-being. Chronic stress, if left unchecked, can significantly impact cardiovascular health. Don’t overthink, meditate and relax during stressful situations, surround yourself with positive people. Effective time management and setting realistic expectations can alleviate the stress associated with overwhelming responsibilities.

At the core of our existence lies the pulsating organ called the heart. The heart, as an epicenter of our health, should be cherished and protected. Every beat matters. A journey to lasting wellness is through your heart.